Holmes County Sheriff's Office
The administration division serves the general day-to-day law enforcement and business operations of the sheriff’s office. Staff that make up this division include; the sheriff, chief deputy, records and all civilian employees.
Holmes County Sheriff's Office
The child support enforcement division works in close cooperation and under contract with the Holmes County Department of Job and Family Services Child Support Enforcement Agency.
Holmes County Sheriff's Office
The civil division receives and processes all paperwork for service from each of the Holmes County court and foreign requests for service from jurisdiction outside of Holmes County. The division ensures all court papers are served and executed in a timely manner, per Ohio law.
Holmes County Sheriff's Office
The Communications Division is known as the heart of the Sheriff's Office. The Communications Center is the first responder to any emergency or concern the community may have and is in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Holmes County Sheriff's Office
The Corrections Division also known as the Holmes County Jail, is charged with care, custody and control of adult male and female inmates. Inmates housed in the facility may be sentenced or unsentenced by the court.
Holmes County Sheriff's Office
The Detective/Narcotics Bureau is comprised of four (4) seasoned officers who investigate felonious and other serious crimes. They also assist Road Patrol Officers with investigations when needed. The bureau also includes drug enforcement detectives and members of the LEAD Task Force.
Sergeant, Detective
Holmes County Sheriff's Office
The Evidence/Property Division stores evidence, safekeeping, and found property for the Holmes County Sheriff's Office. The Evidence/Property Manager is responsible for retrieving, securing and storing evidence/property and ensuring proper chain-of-custody in the event evidence is needed for court proceedings.
Deputy, Fiscal/Evidence Manager
Holmes County Sheriff's Office
Road Patrol Officers answer calls for service, give assistance to the public and provide routine patrol.
Do you have information that can help us solve a crime? The people that know more about Holmes County is its residents. You may have information that will help the Holmes County Sheriff's Office solve a crime, save a person's life, or simply make our county a safer more enjoyable place to live.
Do not use this form to notify us of a current crime. Please call 911 or (330) 674-1936.